Buying property to build on one day can be a cheaper way for you to secure land in a desirable neighborhood while you save up for a custom-built house. However, to ensure you're getting an adequate lot that will work for your house, consider these land-buying tips when looking to buy property.
Check Zoning
There may be land a bit further away from the neighborhood you originally sought out. Without knowing much about the area, you may want to snatch it up right away, especially if it's priced well. However, before doing that, check the lot's zoning. It could be that the property is in fact zoned for business and not residential uses. When it comes time to construct the house, you'll likely have problems because the municipality is unlikely to allow you to build there.
Zoning is also good to know about because there are likely guidelines which address how big your house can be, how high your fence can be, and other residential issues that you might deal with when putting up a new structure. If the house you're building doesn't conform to those requirements, you might have to go to the municipal building to ask for a variance that will allow your dreams to come to fruition.
Get Soil Survey
Before purchasing land, it's important that you're certain that the soil is dense enough to support buildings. This is something which seems like it wouldn't be an issue, but if the land is situated near wetlands, streams, or other water, it's worth investigating. Sending the soil off to an area lab for analysis is wise if you don't want to regret your lot purchase.
Explore Larger Parcels
There are times when it's challenging to find a property that meets your size requirements. You may see huge pieces of land for sale and pass it by because you don't need that much. However, if you're able to make the purchase, it may be a wise one because you can subdivide the property into smaller land lots. This will let you choose the lot size that you want for your own home and sell off the rest of the parcels to other buyers. This could be a good way for you to make a small profit during this process.
Getting land now can be one step toward building your house. Work with realtors to find the kind of land lots that be the perfect place for your home